The challenge of being a global brand

In 1999, a group of convinced business leaders decided to create the Leading Brands of Spain Forum. We were convinced that the brand was the main asset of competitiveness and internationalisation as the only way for the expansion and growth of our businesses. We were also convinced that this formula was not only valid for […]
The foreign sector, driving force of the Spanish economy

In times of uncertainty and difficulty, it is essential that Spanish society adapt to changing circumstances and find opportunities to respond to the changes in the global environment. Equally important is that as a nation we rely on our own strengths as a stimulus for growth and to build confidence. It is therefore very positive […]
The imperative for emerging markets

We have entered a decade that will undoubtedly be that of the emerging markets. These economies have emerged as major catalysts for growth. now it seems they will become key players. HSBC forecasts that by 2050 19 of the 30 largest economies in the world will be economies that today are classified as emerging (read […]
Competitiveness: Key to the internalisation of the company
Nobody can deny that the foreign sector has become the driving force behind the Spanish economy at present and will be the stronghold of the recovery in the coming years. Indeed, without its contribution the fall in GDP would be around 4%, in contrast to the decrease in growth that the external accounts generated in […]