Corporate and Professional Services

ESIC was the first business school created in Spain and arose from the need for professionals to complete their training in the area of ​​business and marketing. Today, more than 50 years later, ESIC is positioned as the leading school in training in business management, marketing and digital economy in Spain, and is recognized, inside and outside our borders, as one of the best training centers in this area . With more than 52,600 alumni, ESIC is a reference center for companies and professionals. It also has an important network of undoubted value backed by its business relations and alumni.

    Cartera de Marcas:
Creando Atlas de paises...
  • ON
    Presencia internacional
  • ON
    Mercados relevantes
  • ON
    Mercados potenciales
  • Agente / Distribuidor Local
  • Entidad Financiera
  • Establecimiento Hotelero
  • Filial Comercial
  • Filial Industrial
  • Franquicia
  • Joint Venture
  • Oficina de Representación
  • Online
  • Tienda Propia
  • Venta Directa
  • Otros

Cargos directivos:

Director General FELIPE LLANO

Marcas con las que opera:

Nombre Original Adquirida
ESIC University

Datos generales*:

Cifra de facturación 100 millones
No. of own Campus 10
No. of Campus with local partners 4
No. of international partners 5
Total no. of students 15000
No. of international students 1774
No. of Alumni +66,000
No. of agreements with others colleges +140
No. of agreements with companies 3,000
% of international students 38%
Empleados totales: 1,193

*En los datos económicos, último ejercicio disponible

ESIC, a leading school in business training, marketing and digital economy in Spain, was the first business school created in Spain and arose from the need for professionals to complete their training in the area of ​​Marketing.

With more than 52,000 alumni, ESIC is a reference center for companies and professionals. ESIC currently has the largest market presence in the world, being present in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga, Vigo, La Coruña, Pamplona, ​​Bilbao, Granada and internationally in Curitiba and Brusque (Brazil).

ESIC currently occupies a prominent position in business training for undergraduate, graduate and executive education, as well as in the field of digital economy in Spain, fruit of its more than 50 years dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge by and for professionals who Demands the company. It has an important network of undoubted value endorsed by its business relations and its alumni.

ESIC bases its formative action on the enriching dialogue provided by the different points of view between, on the one hand, the entrepreneurs and managers who come to their classrooms and, on the other hand, the professors and lecturers themselves, who are also professionals of the company with a Broad management experience. Likewise, the participant of the management program strengthens its professional ties through the rest of participants, who represent an interesting and varied business group. Forming people is your passionate goal. To grow and evolve with the company, stimulate its development, offer answers that are only possible through research and analysis carried out by its great team of professional-trainers, who live the reality and the needs of a world in constant evolution as it is the company.

ESIC Business & Marketing School en Pozuelo – Madrid

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