Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira

Corporate and Professional Services

Cuatrecasas is a leading law firm with a strong presence in Spain, Portugal and Latin America.

    Cartera de Marcas:
Creando Atlas de paises...
  • ON
    Presencia internacional
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    Mercados relevantes
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    Mercados potenciales
  • Agente / Distribuidor Local
  • Entidad Financiera
  • Establecimiento Hotelero
  • Filial Comercial
  • Filial Industrial
  • Franquicia
  • Joint Venture
  • Oficina de Representación
  • Online
  • Tienda Propia
  • Venta Directa
  • Otros

Cargos directivos:


Marcas con las que opera:

Nombre Original Adquirida

Datos generales*:

Cifra de facturación 388.70 millones
Facturación Agregada Filiales en el Exterior 79 millones
Porcentaje de negocio internacional 20 %
No. of offices 26
Empleados totales: 1,910
Nº de empleados de las filiales en el extranjero: 549

*En los datos económicos, último ejercicio disponible

Through our highly specialized legal teams with extensive knowledge and experience, we advise on all areas of business law. We help our clients with the most demanding matters wherever they are based.


A multidisciplinary and diverse team of over 1,000 professionals across 26 nationalities. Our people are our strength and we are committed to being inclusive and egalitarian.

Global coverage

With offices in the main cities of Spain and Portugal, and more than 20 years of experience in Latin America, with a team of 125 professionals in our offices in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. We also have teams in Brussels, Casablanca, London, Luanda, Maputo, New York, Beijing and Shanghai.


We have a sectoral approach and focus on all types of business. With extensive knowledge and experience, we offer our clients the most sophisticated advice, covering ongoing and transactional matters.


We offer optimal value thanks to our highly specialized teams who apply a cross-sectoral approach to our clients’ business to offer efficient solutions.

Responsible business

At Cuatrecasas, we incorporate environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) criteria in our service provision and in our internal management.

R&D&I: Knowledge and Innovation Area

With over 40 scholars, lawyers and specialists, we are committed to digital transformation and encourage collective knowledge to provide distinctive, high-value advice. And we foment an innovation culture applied to the legal activity, which combines training, procedures and technological resources, to ensure greater efficiency.

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