
Corporate and Professional Services

Our purpose is to contribute to transform the society by creating trust between organizations and people.

    Cartera de Marcas:
Creando Atlas de paises...
  • ON
    Presencia internacional
  • ON
    Mercados relevantes
  • ON
    Mercados potenciales
  • Agente / Distribuidor Local
  • Entidad Financiera
  • Establecimiento Hotelero
  • Filial Comercial
  • Filial Industrial
  • Franquicia
  • Joint Venture
  • Oficina de Representación
  • Online
  • Tienda Propia
  • Venta Directa
  • Otros

Cargos directivos:

Director general y CEO RAFAEL GARCÍA MEIRO

Marcas con las que opera:

Nombre Original Adquirida
Certificación de Buen Corporativo
Certificado de Bienestar Animal
ISO 14001 de Gestión Ambiental
ISO 27001 Gestión de la seguridad de la información
ISO 45001 de seguridad y salud en el trabajo
ISO 9001 de Calidad
Marca N de productos y servicios

Datos generales*:

Certified work centers abroad 88,000
Certified products and services More than 106,000
No. of alumni More than 120,000
No. of technical standards More than 5,000
No. of accreditations 208
Empleados totales: 1,030
Nº de empleados de las filiales en el extranjero: 157

*En los datos económicos, último ejercicio disponible


AENOR is a global company, that identifies and helps organizations to overcome relevant competitiveness gaps. Its main goal is contributing to society transformation by building trust between people and organizations through TIC (Testing, Inspection and Certification), training, and information services.

AENOR the Spanish leader in conformity assessment has presence in 87 countries through our headquarter and offices, as well as in all the countries in which AENOR has  clients. Currently, more than 83,000 working centres around the world own AENOR certificates in the fields of quality management, sustainability, risks and safety, animal welfare, compliance and governance and IT, among others.

We have consolidated six ways of working that set us apart like having the highest acknowledgment in B2B and B2C; developing our services, essentially through expert auditors who are long-standing, loyal in-house staff. This enables us to work efficiently and uphold a consistently high level of quality, which ultimately brings more value to our clients; being close to the sources of knowledge generation, contributing them value. This, together with our readiness to serve the sectors, enables us to innovate in the definition and resolution of new competitiveness gaps; and maintaining a high level of geographical and sectorial capillarity to continuously improve our responsiveness to our clients, thanks to our proximity to the needs of each territory and field of activity.