
Industry and Technology

Power electronics manufacturing

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Consejero Delegado EDUARD SALICRU FITO

Marcas con las que opera:

Nombre Original Adquirida

Datos generales*:

Cifra de facturación 92.99 millones
Cifra de Exportaciones desde España 33.60 millones
Porcentaje de negocio internacional 37 %
Empleados totales: 295
Nº de empleados de las filiales en el extranjero: 10

*En los datos económicos, último ejercicio disponible

Since its founding in 1965, Salicru, S.A. has designed, manufactured and commercialised power electronics products for the key sectors of the energy market.

Salicru’s mission is to provide innovative solutions and services to increase our customers’ productivity through the provision of high-quality power supplies that will be continuous, clean, affordable, reliable and ecologically-friendly, in both alternating and direct current.

Salicru has the broadest national coverage and 6 international subsidiaries, with sales to over 50 countries worldwide, with over 700,000 units operating and running. The company is

ISO-9001 and ISO 14001 certified, and its products are designed and produced in full respect of the Environment.

In a technological firm such as ours, research and innovation are essential to maintain our competitive edge and presence on the market. Therefore, we dedicate 4% of our annual turnover to R&D, which is well above the national average of 0.9% or the European average of 1.4%.

According to different studies, 40% of faults occurring in computer systems are caused by disturbances in the electrical power supply (far more than those caused by computer viruses)

also affecting productivity losses derived from inactivity and the resources needed for restoring the damage caused.

More and more industrial installations and processes have to regulate the speed of their motors, in order to be adapted to the load in each moment of the process and to reduce the energy consumption.

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