Bodegas Aragonesas S.A.

Food & Drinks

Winery specialized in high quality garnacha wines.

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Cargos directivos:

Consejero Delegado ENRIQUE CHUECA

Marcas con las que opera:

Nombre Original Adquirida
Coto de Hayas
Garnacha Centenaria

Datos generales*:

Cifra de facturación 13.20 millones
Cifra de Exportaciones desde España 4.90 millones
Beneficio atribuido 0.10
Empleados totales: 40

*En los datos económicos, último ejercicio disponible

About Bodegas Aragonesas

Bodegas Aragonesas is known as the ‘birthplace of garnacha’ and produces world-renowned wines such as Garnacha Centenaria, Fagus, Galiano, and Aragonia.

Their wines are undoubtedly their best presentation, but also their location, size, and their star variety, which gives them identity and makes them unique. Bodegas Aragonesas is located at the foot of Moncayo and has the largest old vine garnacha vineyard in the world. It is one of the great ambassadors and responsible for the Aragon wine, especially garnacha, crossing borders.

With more than 3,200 hectares, Bodegas Aragonesas has almost seven million vines, figures that determine its size and capacity. The grapes, largely from century-old and pre-phylloxera vineyards, are highly prized because they have very little production, some barely reaching one kilogram per vine.

Their new modern, versatile, and innovative facilities are known as the Terroir-Garnacha Space. It is a unique place in the area integrated into nature, revolving around its star product: garnacha. The building was constructed under sustainability criteria and has a photovoltaic installation that allows them to generate 30% of their consumption.

Bodegas Aragonesas wines are present throughout the national territory and in more than 60 countries on all five continents.


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