Simon Holding

Industry and Technology

Simon is the head of an industrial group specialised in technological solutions for lighting, light control, connectivity and electrical materials for contract projects (retail, hospitality, workplace) and residential projects

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Nombre Original Adquirida
Simon Brico
Simon Urmet

Datos generales*:

Cifra de facturación 280 millones
Porcentaje de negocio internacional 60 %
Empleados totales: 3,600
Nº de empleados de las filiales en el extranjero: 2,600

*En los datos económicos, último ejercicio disponible

Simon is the head of an industrial group specialised in technological solutions for lighting, light control, connectivity and electrical materials for contract projects (retail, hospitality, workplace) and residential projects. In all these fields, Simon maintains a firm commitment to design and innovation, which led it to receive the National Design Award granted by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness on its one hundredth anniversary.

After positioning itself as a leader in the Spanish market, the company has consolidated its presence in more than 90 countries, where it promotes business areas ranging from small electrical materials, to control systems, connectivity, architectural, interior and urban lighting, and electric vehicle recharging. The Simon Group team is made up of 3,600 people around the world, with facilities in 15 countries, 9 of which have production centres.

Simon understands spaces as the centre of users’ homes, and allows them to fill those spaces with light, to create atmospheres that invite sensations, that they can touch, see, hear…and feel. Its technology allows users to create a multitude of experiences that adapt to their lifestyle and make life easier, with the desired intensity and nuance.

Photos by:

  1. @Rafael Vargas
  2. @puigdellivol_wood Ph @cristinapratcasanova
  3. @Rafael Vargas

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